Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Political gamesmanship over India’s reservations policy could cast a shadow over India’s ambitions of emerg¬ing as a global economic power in the 21st

Ever since the UPA government, led by Congress, promised in its manifesto that it would initiate a dialogue with the private sector to address backward class’ aspirations, the pressure has been mounting on UPA to force the private sector to follow reservations’ policy in jobs. But at a time when the economy is opening up to global competition, is it a viable option for India Inc?

The story of Ekalavya in the epic Mahabharata may have been a symbol of highest traditions of devotion and sacrifice practiced in ancient India, but today, when no political party can claim to be untouched by caste considerations, his story may go down as yet another example of caste based discrimination of a Shudra (lower castes) by a Manuvadi (believers of Manu’s law of division of society on the basis of caste) Brahmin.

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006