Monday, July 21, 2008

Innovation or detonation?

When IIPM comes to education, never compromise

‘Take on anything’ is what the company believes in. Literally!

Bull’s eye is what every capitalistic entity aims for today, their arrow being their respective specialised competency! The $6 billion Mahindra Group is no different in this regard; its arrow – innovation. The group currently stands as the leading manufacturer of Utility Vehicles (UVs) in the country, ahead of many biggies. The company with its flagship auto manufacturing arm Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has forged its presence in five continents and has also established itself as a global player. Even in the face of competition, during 2007, M&M was rated amongst the top three auto majors in India as per a customer satisfaction survey. Today, M&M commands a stunning 44.8% market share in the UV category, which despite having slipped by 1.5% in the first half of 2007 as compared to first half of 2006 is to say the least comprehensive for a giant which has over 62 years of manufacturing experience to boast about. Today, the Mahindra Group has built a strong base in technology, engineering, marketing and distribution, elements which stand key to its evolution as a innovation and a customer-driven behemoth. Recently, M&M also launched the new ‘Mahindra Bolero Limited Edition’ where 4Ps B&M caught up with Vivek Nayer, Vice President – Marketing Automotive Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

4Ps B&M: What is the motive behind your latest launch of the Bolero ‘Limited Edition’ in the market?

Vivek Nayer (VN): Customer is on the constant lookout for something innovatively different. That’s why we have launched this model with customised differences in the aesthetics.

4Ps B&M: What is your target audience market for this new variant of Bolero?

VN: We are targeting at the urban-youth, mostly in the metros because they can easily connect with this car. Considering that there are only 1000 units available and that there is immense craze for SUVs among the youth, it should work well.

4Ps B&M: M&M is planning to come up with a new launch, the ‘Bolero Spykar’ during 2008. What difference would it make to the company? VN: Frankly, I am not aware about it till now. However, there is always something new happening. Last year, we took out a variant of the Bolero, which increased our sales by 35%. We would hope for anything along similar lines from future launches!

4Ps B&M: What about future plans?

VN: With M&M you can always expect more and more innovation in the market – it’s the name of the game.