Monday, November 26, 2012

Removing the changeblocks together

Change in simple words is becoming different, but it is easier said than done. Often people resist change because it necessitates movement from a current comfort level to a state of uncertainty and insecurity. The reason is, transformation happens not just for a process, system or practice but it calls for a behavioural change involving values, attitude, identity and belief. However, change is a positive scenario that enables growth, adaptability and competitiveness. In fact, change in an organisation helps to bring in new perspectives. It is a process that involves unfreezing, moving, and refreezing of values, practices, and procedures within the organisation.

With the system and process that facilitate the business change it becomes imperative to handle the softer issue of the people, since change is not self-initiated. Handling resistance, perceptions of change and mobilising the change within the employees create confusion. It is the time factor that enables organisations to work through change.

To meet the challenges of change and win over time, it is vital for organisations to effectively position the change against time. Establishing and reinforcing the vision, removing barriers and tightening the sense of oneness and belongingness expedite a positive change.Read more..